I started snowshoeing this season and am loving it. Being able to get up into the mountains on snow covered trails has helped me deal with the hiking withdrawals I used to go through during the winter. I picked up the Atlas 930 snowshoes after looking at some options and have been very happy with […]
Feature Blog: Tawcan – Confessions Of A Monkey
Confessions of a Monkey is an (oddly named but very interesting) blog written by Tawcan, who is another local outdoor nut. My name is Tawcan. Obviously that’s not my real name but I like to keep my real name separate from the internet world. I live in Vancouver, BC, Canada and have various interests ranging […]
Top 50 Adventure Books Of All Time
If you’re looking to pick up some new books, NileGuidance: A Travel Blog, has created a list of 50 adventure books they deem worthy of reading: A few examples: 1 ) The Snow Leopard – Peter Mathiessen’s seminal work about a journey of (re)discovery to the remotest Himalayan region of Nepal 2 ) Wind, Sand […]
The Fine Line – A 16mm Avalanche Education Film
The Fine Line is a great educational film about avalanche safety in Canada. With all the recent avalanches we have been experiencing in BC I wanted to learn a bit more and came across this video. When I say “educational” film, that’s probably enough to turn off some people’s interest, but the film is very […]
Featured Blog: Vancity Allie
Vancity Allie is another blogger who has a strong taste for outdoor fun here on the west coast. Or as she puts it: This the blog of a 24 year-old Vancouver girl who loves and writes about everything “Vancouver” and West Coast. This is the blog of a girl who works in Vancouver’s video game […]
Gear Review: Leatherman C303 Knife
I recently received my Leatherman C303 Bottle Open…., er, I mean knife, from Knives Infinity. Now that I’ve had a chance to take it out and test it a bit I thought I’d do a quick review. First of all, I went through the website to pick out a good knife for day hikes and […]